The Average Cost of CPR Certification in St. Petersburg: Cost Considerations, Types of CPR Classes, and More


Whether you live in Washington, New York, or Pennsylvania, CPR certification classes are the same everywhere – what differs is the cost. Some of the influential factors that determine the cost of the CPR classes are the location, the scope of the class, as well as the format of the course.

Choosing the right CPR Certification program entails selecting a reliable provider that offers universally accepted certifications and suitable renewal options. Read on to better understand the average cost of CPR certification in St. Petersburg, as well as what types of CPR classes are available.

A General Outline of CPR Certification Classes

Even in the digital-first world of today, a lot of us don’t know the first thing about CPR. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a first-aid technique of performing chest compressions to restore a heartbeat that’s stopped abruptly.

Enrolling in a CPR class introduces you to a handful of life-saving guidelines. You’ll acquire priceless knowledge enabling you to act in time to help someone’s life.

Depending on the class’s scope, several CPR certification classes are available. In essence, assessing the average cost of CPR certification classes in St. Petersburg allows you to estimate the best pick for your CPR needs and budget.

Heartsaver CPR/AED Certification

These types of CPR certification classes are designed for non-medical individuals. In other words, anyone who is not a medical professional but wants to learn the steps of CPR can enroll in a Heartsaver CPR/AED class.

People who sign up for the Heartsaver class learn what an AED is and how and when to use it. In addition, the Heartsaver course teaches individuals how to perform CPR on adults, kids, and newborns, since the techniques are different for each category.

Typically, a Heartsaver class lasts anywhere from 2 hours and up to 4. The length of the course depends on how extensive and inclusive the class is.

Professional CPR/AED Certification

Unlike the Heartsaver class, CPR/AED classes for professional rescuers in St. Petersburg are intended for professional handling. In other words, these CPR/AED classes are designed for lifeguards, firefighters, and other first responders.

These learners will understand how to use CPR techniques and operate an AED, as well as learn advanced resuscitation techniques. Contrary to layperson CPR, professional CPR/AED classes are more encompassing and thorough, including more details about both life-saving methods.

Regarding the duration, these certification classes can last around 4 to 8 hours, sometimes even more, depending on how comprehensive the materials are.

Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification

A BLS class, which is short for basic life support, is intended for healthcare workers in the range of nurses, paramedics, and physicians. The goal of a BLS class is to teach CPR techniques and other life-saving methods in clinical circumstances.

In general, you can expect a BLS class to last 4 to 5 hours. The duration of this course includes instructions and practical demonstrations.

Pediatric CPR and First Aid Certification

As the name entails, these classes revolve around CPR techniques and first-aid approaches to children and infants. These classes are the best option for parents, childcare providers, teachers, and practically everyone in close contact with children and babies.

Pediatric CPR and First Aid classes usually last 3 to 6 hours. They teach particular techniques developed for infants and children needing CPR and other first-aid techniques.

Online CPR Certification

Online CPR certification classes are mainly aimed at busy individuals who cannot spare time to attend the class physically. This form for CPR certification classes offers flexibility to adjust the time and participation level to the participant’s schedule.

Online CPR certification classes consist of interactive course segments, instructional videos, and online exams. While considering online CPR certification classes, it’s important to mind the accreditation. In other words, make sure the service provider is recognized by an authoritative institution, like the Red Cross, the AHA (American Heart Organization, and the National Institute of Health.

Online CPR certification classes usually last a few hours, including the time to watch instructional videos, read the required materials, and complete the final test.

The Average Cost of CPR Certification in St. Petersburg

How much a CPR certification course costs varies and depends on several factors. The type of certification you’re looking to acquire, as well as the format of the course, will affect the cost of the course.

Course CategoryAverage price
Heartsaver CPR/AED: CPR techniques for non-medical individuals intended to use on adults, children, and infantsBetween $65 and $90
Basic Life Support (BLS): for medical professionalsBetween $70 and $92
Pediatric CPR and First Aid Techniques for infants and childrenBetween $25 and $60

Factors Affecting the Cost of CPR Certification Classes

Choosing the best CPR course for your needs (personal or professional), should not be based exclusively on the cost of the class. However, to many, that’s the breaking point.

Here are the factors that constitute the price of CPR courses.

Certification Level

The average cost of CPR certification in St. Petersburg might vary due to the certification level and type. For instance, the Heartsaver CPR/AED classes cost less than BLS classes, which are considered more advanced and at a professional-base level.

Class Format

Whether the class is conveyed entirely online or in person, the class format will influence the cost. In-person classes are more expensive than online classes because they include the costs of equipment, rent, and instructor fees.

Training Providers

Different training providers offer CPR/AED certification classes, and each comes at a different price. The reason is that these training providers have different reputations and experience levels. If you notice the same CPR class priced differently by two training providers, know that the more expensive one is probably more reputable and experienced.

Additional Materials or Resources

If more learning materials are included in the course, it will influence the overall price. Study materials like textbooks or exclusive online resources elevate the price of the course, but in the long run, you get more value from the course.

Additional Considerations

Besides the cost, there are other considerations to bear in mind while choosing a CPR certification course.

      • Accreditation and Recognition of Training Providers: Do your best to ensure the training center offering the CPR certification course is accredited by one of the major health institutions we mentioned (the AHA, the Red Cross, etc.). Do not enroll in a CPR class if accreditation details aren’t disclosed.

      • Learning Inclusion and Course Quality: The course’s contents should not lack basic CPR, regardless of the type of course you take. Ensure the course covers the CPR techniques and methods you require, either for professional or personal needs.

      • The Level of Experience and Qualification of the Instructor(s): The CPR instructor should be a certified professional that’s highly experienced in CPR techniques. Having a qualified CPR instructor means getting top-dollar knowledge from reliable sources.

    Key Takeaway: The Average Cost of CPR Certification in St. Petersburg

    You can’t put a price tag on the possibility of saving a life. Still, you can measure the quality of knowledge you receive while attending a CPR class, whether in St. Petersburg, Detroit, Washington, or Ft. Lauderdale.

    The fact that there are so many options to become certified in CPR makes it logical to have differently-priced CPR courses. On average, basic CPR classes intended for non-medical individuals cost anywhere from $65 to $90. More advanced BLS classes can cost between $70 and $92, and pediatric CPR and first-aid techniques classes range anywhere from $25 and $60.

    Whichever your CPR needs are, whether your employer requires you to become certified in CPR or you simply want to be prepared for life-threatening situations for your own sake, investing in a CPR course is probably the smartest investment you’ll ever make.

    Save a life, learn CPR.